by Walker Eye Care | Dec 4, 2020 | Optical News
With 2020 soon coming to an end, you have only a few weeks left to spend your designated Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds on eligible health care costs. Many patients ask us which vision-related expenses qualify for reimbursement under an FSA. We thought...
by Walker Eye Care | Nov 19, 2020 | Optical News
November is American Diabetes Month. It’s estimated that more than 30 million adults over age 18 currently have diabetes, with another 84 million showing signs of prediabetes. For those over age 65, one in four have diabetes and its associated complications. Did...
by Walker Eye Care | Nov 5, 2020 | Optical News
November is American Diabetes Month, an appropriate time to raise awareness of this epidemic that impacts 34 million children and adults in the United States. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a group of diseases that result from blood sugar being too high because of...
by Walker Eye Care | Oct 22, 2020 | Optical News
In our previous post, we explored 7 serious health issues your optometrist can detect during your annual comprehensive eye exam. These include: Diabetes High Blood Pressure Thyroid disease Rheumatoid Arthritis Brain tumors High cholesterol Cancer But your...
by Walker Eye Care | Oct 8, 2020 | Optical News
The eyes are sometimes called the windows to the soul. That may be true, but for health purposes, they’re also a window that provides a clearer view of your total body health. Did you know that your optometrist can detect 20 or more health conditions that may be...
by Walker Eye Care | Sep 22, 2020 | Optical News
Whether your child is back in the classroom this year or learning virtually, you want your student to learn in the most effective way possible. Did you know that there’s one key factor in learning that is sometimes overlooked? That factor is how well the eyes...